Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some questions we get asked frequently 

We understand that it’s sometimes hard to ask questions in an age when we’re meant to have all the answers, here are a few FAQs to help you out. If you can’t see what you’re after here, email and know that we are here to help, not to judge. 

Read on below, or let some of our actors explain in the video to the right…

Can the Hijinx Actors read scripts? 

Some of us can, some can’t. Those who can’t, are able to learn lines in different ways – recordings, repetition etc. We know how we learn best. Some of us struggle with remembering big chunks of script, some of us don’t. If you are keen to work with one of us in particular, email Hijinx and they can tell you more about us. 

Can the Hijinx Actors be alone on set?  

It’s different for all of us.  A Hijinx Creative Enabler will accompany us to work, and help us with anything we might need.  

 Don’t you get bored with all the hanging around? 

Of course, who doesn’t? But we know to bring a book or some colouring to keep ourselves occupied. 

What skills do the Hijinx Actors have? 

We train in all sorts of skills: Acting for screen, circus, clown, improv, comedy, mask, movement, dance, devising, forum theatre, corporate role play, the list goes on and on. Plus some of us play sports, others play musical instruments. On our profiles you can see a list of our skills.  

You call Hijinx Actors ‘professional’ – what do you mean by that? 

We mean we train hard, we behave in a professional manner, we are trained by industry professionals, and we get paid.   

 How do we describe, your, er, your condition? Disability? 

Don’t worry about asking that! We all prefer different things, so asking is the best bet. If you feel really weird asking us directly, you can ask Hijinx and they’ll tell you when they’ve checked in with us. 

Can the Hijinx Actors travel and stay away from home overnight? 

Yes we can, we need a bit of support, so we’ll need extra train/coach/plane tickets and probably an extra hotel room. But what a small price to pay for our fabulous talent! 

What exactly do the Hijinx Creative Enablers do? 

Whatever we need them to do! Mostly they stay out of the way and let us do our thing. But they might help us prepare for a scene, get into costume, tell us what’s going to happen next, help us focus, help us understand our directions, whatever is needed.